On Her Majesty's Secret Service - otherwise known as the film where Bond gets married - is often touted as the most somber in the franchise, thanks to the heavily emotional story and the late Dame Diana Rigg's memorable performance as Bond Girl Teressa di Vincenzo. Succeeding Connery in the role was no easy task, but Lazenby found enough room in the script to flesh Bond out, making the spy his own through a soft, romantic touch and reserved dramatic weight. Despite appearing as 007 in just one movie, the Australian actor has garnered a cult supporter base for his portrayal of Bond, which remains as criminally underrated as the film he appeared in. However, diehard fans of the sixth entry in the franchise, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, should think of this as Lazenby being the sixth best rather than the worst Bond. George Lazenby often places last on many people's rankings of James Bond actors.